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Affiliate FAQs

What is an Affiliate Program? 
An Affiliate Program allows you to make money by referring customers to our web site. You do this by placing links on your site. Every time you refer a customer to us and that customer makes a purchase, you earn a commission. 

What is the WineTwits Deals affiliate program? 
The WineTwits Deals affiliate program is an easy way to add e-commerce to your website and start earning revenue immediately by referring customers to our website. 

How does the WineTwits Deals affiliate program work? 
WineTwits Deals will pay you up to 5% for sales generated from your site. We handle all the transactions, processing, shipping, and customer service. All you do is sit back and collect money. 

Is my web site eligible to become an Affiliate? 
Most sites will qualify to participate in the program. Anyone may submit an application, but we do reserve the right to refuse membership to a site or revoke a site's membership at any time if we deem that it contains objectionable material. 

Does it cost me anything to become an Affiliate? 
No! It's absolutely free to join our Affiliate Program. There is no charge to apply and there is no minimum sales requirement. 

How much do I get paid? 
It depends on what kind of traffic your site has, but anyone that clicks through to our site and purchases something will generate percentage of the total sale in commission for you. That's a percentage of the products sold, not including shipping, handling fees, and any sales tax collected. Our average sale is $60, so on average you could earn as much as $2.00 for each purchase you refer. Further, we don't deduct any fees for credit card processing or anything else. 

When do I get paid? 
You get paid on a monthly basis as long as your affiliate balance is $50.00 or more. We work with the network –, to review their policy on payments, click here .

How will you know that the orders came from my site? 
All links from your site to our site contain a unique identifier so that every time a user comes to us via your site, we know to credit you when a purchase is made. We work with the affiliate network
For info on how the Partner Program works, click here 

Does WineTwits Deals have an online reporting feature so that I can keep track of my earnings? 
Yes, via our network partner, Click here to log into our reporting tool

How often can I run reports? 
You can run reports daily if you wish. Our affiliate reporting area with is real time. 

What else is in it for my site, my visitors, and me? 
You'll be adding extra content on your site, your visitors will be pleased to find unique and college related items and great deals on the hottest selling schools in the country. Further, you will be rewarded handsomely for your referrals, earning up to 5% commissions on sales generated by you, as outlined above. 

Will becoming an Affiliate increase traffic to my site? 
Our Affiliate Program is a revenue-sharing program. It is not designed to help you increase traffic to your site; however, it enhances your site with content, so your user return rate may be higher. You will also be given access to our online affiliate support forum so you can learn how to increase traffic to your site and earn more money. 

I operate more than one web site. Can I still be an Affiliate? 
Yes. You can have multiple sites as an Affiliate. You can have one Affiliate account with us that will include all of your sites. You can track the progress of each of your sites separately and be paid with only one commission check. 

I don't have a web site Can I still apply? 
Unfortunately, no. In order for us to accept you as an Affiliate, we must be able to view your web site. 

Do I earn commissions on my own purchases? 
Yes. Just click through from one of your links and you will receive credit! 

What about product returns? 
If a user returns a product for a refund, or if credit card charges are reversed due to a dispute or credit card fraud, your account will be debited for any commission earned on that transaction. 

Who does WineTwits Deals want as affiliates? 
WineTwits Deals would like any site that compliments ours. These sites would include: wine and food specic sites, spirits or cigar or other lifestyle specific sites, or just about any site that attracts a substantial audience. We really can compliment just about any website. We do however reserve the right to reject your submission or cancel our affiliate relationship at any time if your site is deemed offensive, promotes pornography, or is deemed as undesirable for us to be affiliated with.

What if I need to contact WineTwits Deals? 
You can reach our affiliate manager, Jeff via email, phone, fax, or instant message. Jeff's contact info is as follows: 
Email -
Phone – 1-XXX_XXXX

How do I sign up? 
First, you must read and accept our Affiliate Agreement. Then, you complete our online application form. After your application is submitted, we will send you an email with information on how to get started. To sign up click here .

Once I have signed up, how do I change my account information? 
Once you have been accepted as an Affiliate, you will be given access to our affiliate area, so you can modify your account information. 

Where should I place the links on my site? 
You should place links where they are easy for your site visitors to find, such as your homepage. Some areas you may want to place your links include your home page, your navigation bar, and any other traffic areas. If you place the links in an easily accessible location on your site, your visitors will be more likely to make a purchase. 

All you have to do to start earning money is sign up!

Copyright © 2010 - Drink Twits LLC - Contact us at for any inquiries. Please see our privacy policy and terms of use.