Tweet, drink and be wine at a time!
WineTwits Blitz Coming Soon!
100+ hard to find wines at best of the web prices.
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What is WineTwits Deals?
WineTwits Deals is an online social marketplace for daily wine deals offered to the WineTwits Community Members at 30%-80% off store and internet site prices. Our wines are sourced from a network of the largest wine retailers and in some cases direct from the winery.
What is WineTwits?
WineTwits is an easy to use twitter-powered community bringing together wine enthusiasts to talk about wine, events and special offers. WineTwits takes wine-related messages, using Twitter as the content platform, and organizes those messages by wine type, varietal, region, pairings and user ratings. You're encouraged to rate the wines you've tasted on a plus scale. Use the plus symbol “+” (didn't enjoy) to “+++++” (extraordinary).


Users can contribute to the conversation and build their reputation as a respected member of our wine community. WineTwits makes it easy to bookmark your favorite users and tweets, giving you one click access to the people and tweets you care most about. Replying to a message via WineTwits results in an easy to follow threaded forum discussion. If you see a message you like and feel your followers should know about, WineTwits offers a quick way for you to re-Tweet the message. Conversely, if you see an offensive or off-color message that adds no value to the WineTwits community, you are able to flag this message for a community administrator to review.

Events & Event Planners

Event planners and promoters can use the WineTwits event calendar to promote upcoming wine tastings, festivals, seminars, social networking or trade events. As part of the signup process, planners are prompted to create a unique hashtag for their event which allows WineTwits to organize all messages tagged with this identifier in-line with their event listing. You can now encourage your attendees to tweet before, during and after your event and there will be a central place for the discussion to occur. Any TwitPics taken during your event and appropriately tagged will also be included as part of your event's discussion. If you'd like to increase your event's exposure to the WineTwits community, you can also try our self-service advertising tool found in the right column of WineTwits.

Wineries & Retailers

Are you a winery, retailer or merchant of wine accessories? We offer a self-service way for you to promote your special offers to the WineTwits community. All featured spaces are available and booked in advance on a first come, first serve basis. As long as you've booked the space, you can make ongoing changes to your special feature, allowing you to change your message based upon user feedback or inventory availability. Any questions, please contact us at

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